Claritatea mesajului vs densitatea informației
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Data visualisation

Plateful insights

“Plateful Insights” is a collection of six hand built ceramic plates, each a unique narrative about global nutrition. These plates are not mere dining accessories; they are a tactile exploration of data, a physical manifestation of statistics that often remain trapped behind the screens of our digital devices. Each plate represents one of the six regions of the world and is sized according to the difference between the average supply of kilocalories (kcal) of food per person per day and the minimum kcal requirement per person. Their final size reflects the surplus food available to people in each region, providing a visual and tangible commentary on the disparities and abundance in global food distribution. The donut charts break down the percentage of daily kcal intake derived from fats, animal and vegetable proteins, and carbohydrates. This tactile experience encourages a more intimate and reflective interaction with the data, fostering a deeper understanding of global nutrition issues.

Data visualisation

Romania’s donors platform

Client: Code4Romania Year: 2020 Project objective: In 2020, Code for Romania created The Donors Platform with the purpose of ensuring the transparency of data about

Data visualisation

Romania’s Changemaker Map 2022

Client: Ashoka Romania Year: 2022 Project objective: Five years after the first Changemakers Map, Ashoka Romania commissioned in 2022 a new research dedicated to local

Data visualisation

Timișoara Smart City Strategy

Client: Timișoara City Hall Year: 2022 Project objective: Timișoara City Hall launched a public consultation for its Smart City Strategy and needed to communicate its

Data visualisation

The Morality Stoplight

Client: HBO Romania Year: 2020 Project objective: HBO Romania wanted to promote their new original series about corruption, Tuff Money in a fresh and engaging

Data visualisation

2021: A Year in Happiness

While we all strive for it, happiness is a hard thing to achieve. This was especially true for 2020 which according to the Hedonometer was


2020 Romanian Video Games Consumer Study

Client: iZi Data | Romanian Game Developers Association Year: 2020 – Project website Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in


EU Affairs Highlights 2019

Client: Confederrația Patronală Concordia Year: 2019 – Project website Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in touch and discuss it!


The Future of the Romanian Work Market

Client: Confederrația Patronală Concordia Year: 2019 – Project website https://interrobang.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Workforce-Analysis-Concordia-2.mp4 Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in touch and discuss

Network analysis

ASHOKA Sports Changemakers Map

Client: ASHOKA Romania Year: 2020 Ashoka Romania is committed to set up a long term process of building a local community of sports changemakers in


DataPlots #30

Pandemia a generat o nevoie globală, nemaiîntâlnită, de a înțelege și comunica pe înțelesul tuturor statistici oficiale, tendințe de răspândire ale virusului și date despre


DataPlots #29

Uneori cea mai bună reprezentare a datelor nu este una vizuală. Data sonification (utilizarea sunetelor pentru a reprezenta date) este o tehnică din ce în


DataPlots #28

A trecut ceva vreme de la alegerile locale din acest an, însă de data asta, rezultatelor finale s-au lăsat mult așteptate, iar cele parțiale au fost

Vizualizare date

Alegeri locale 2020

După închiderea secțiilor de votare la ora 21:00 și după multitudinea de știri despre schimbările surpriză din marile orașe ale României, cu toții ne întrebam


DataPlots #27

Nu ne-am fi apucat de vizualizări de date dacă nu eram încă de la început convinși că o imagine nu numai că spune mai mult


DataPlots #26

Săptămâna trecută povesteam cum, pornind de la articolul celor de la The Pudding despre procesul lor creativ, ne-am adus aminte de un proiect pe care tot îl


DataPlots #25

Citind articolul celor de la The Pudding despre procesul lor creativ – from idea to data story, am ajuns să ne întrebăm câte dintre proiectele noastre pornesc de

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Principiile Gestalt în vizualizarea de date

Gestaltism-ul este un concept dezvoltat din psihologie,pe la începutul secolului al XX-lea, care a pus bazele studiului modern al percepției, pornind de la ideea că

Data visualisation

Bucharest Real Estate Analysis

Client: Studio Interrobang Year: 2018 Back in the spring of 2018, we decided to make a test and see how well will a data-backed news

Data visualisation

Greenpeace Illegal Logging Report 2017

Greenpeace Illegal Logging Report 2017 Client: Greenpeace Romania Year: 2018 Every year, approximately 8.8 million cubic meters of wood is illegally cut from Romanian forests.


WebEye Telematics Annual report

Client: Webeye Romania Year: 2018 WebEye is the leading telematics service provider in Central and Eastern Europe. For the 2018 WebEye technology report we were


The Re-Birth of the Company Town Book

Client: Corporate Landscapes Magazine Year: 2016 Clusters, technopoles, milieus of innovation, science parks, company towns, corporate campuses and all other silicon-“things” are based on one


Food Ticketing Market Report

Client: APET, Romania Year: 2017 For APET Romania we designed a set of infographics describing the benefits of food ticketing services for consumers, companies and

Data visualisation

Profiling the teenage mothers of Romania

Client: Scena9, Romania Year: 2019 Romania has the highest percentage of births among women under 20 in the European Union: 9.9% of the total number

Data visualisation

Food Journal

Client: Studio Interrobang Year: 2020 For 9 days, together with four of our friends, we’ve collected 523 meals, snacks and drinks. We’ve created a shared

Data visualisation

Are Romanian movies profitable?

Client: Scena9, Romania Year: 2019 At first glance, it could be said that the Romanian cinema is doing very well. Every year there are films

Network analysis

Who Runs Bucharest?

Client: Urboteca, Romania Year: 2013 Local public institutions and agencies are responsible for city management. Together, they make the city work: from the introduction of

Data visualisation

Urboteca – Urban Planning Explained

Client: Urboteca, Romania Year: 2014 Urboteca is a mobile pavilion designed to make information on urban development processes and strategies accessible for the inhabitants of

Data visualisation

TBI: Youth, Heritage and the City

Client: Idrija 2020, Slivenia Year: 2016 The “TBI: youth, city and heritage” project was the response of a team of 30 young professionals from 7


Infographic “The Romanian Centenary”

Client: Scena9, Romania Year: 2019 In 2018, Romania celebrated 100 years of existence as a nation. To mark this occasion, the central and local authorities

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Respectă timpul cititorilor tăi

Diagramă realizată de editorul Derek Watkins de la New York Times – “Fluctuațiile anuale ale dimensiunii calotei glaciare” – este un bun exemplu pentru a iniția o discuție despre

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Cum structurăm o narațiune cu date?

Datele pot fi utilizate pentru a construi nenumărate fire narative. În ultima vreme am citit o mulțime de povești cu date din ce în ce

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