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Deși există de zeci de ani ca metodă de cercetare și analiză, organizațiile din întreaga lume abia acum încep să aprecieze valoarea informațiilor oferite de analiza rețelelor sociale.
Teoria reţelelor sau analiza reţelelor sociale își propune să înțeleagă o comunitate prin cartografierea relațiilor din interiorul ei și să scoată în evidență actori cheie, conexiuni între grupuri sau indivizi.
Our workshops don’t follow a fixed structure. This is because, first of all, we like to get to know a bit the participants in order to understand their relationship with data, what are their everyday challenges and what would they like to learn during the workshop.
If you have questions or want to schedule a workshop, please send us a message at [email protected]. We would like to know more about you and your organization and about your data-driven projects.
“Plateful Insights” is a collection of six hand built ceramic plates, each a unique narrative about global nutrition. These plates are not mere dining accessories; they are a tactile exploration of data, a physical manifestation of statistics that often remain trapped behind the screens of our digital devices. Each plate represents one of the six regions of the world and is sized according to the difference between the average supply of kilocalories (kcal) of food per person per day and the minimum kcal requirement per person. Their final size reflects the surplus food available to people in each region, providing a visual and tangible commentary on the disparities and abundance in global food distribution. The donut charts break down the percentage of daily kcal intake derived from fats, animal and vegetable proteins, and carbohydrates. This tactile experience encourages a more intimate and reflective interaction with the data, fostering a deeper understanding of global nutrition issues.
“Plateful Insights” is a collection of six hand built ceramic plates, each a unique narrative about global nutrition. These plates are not mere dining accessories; they are a tactile exploration of data, a physical manifestation of statistics that often remain trapped behind the screens of our digital devices. Each plate represents one of the six regions of the world and is sized according to the difference between the average supply of kilocalories (kcal) of food per person per day and the minimum kcal requirement per person. Their final size reflects the surplus food available to people in each region, providing a visual and tangible commentary on the disparities and abundance in global food distribution. The donut charts break down the percentage of daily kcal intake derived from fats, animal and vegetable proteins, and carbohydrates. This tactile experience encourages a more intimate and reflective interaction with the data, fostering a deeper understanding of global nutrition issues.
“Plateful Insights” is a collection of six hand built ceramic plates, each a unique narrative about global nutrition. These plates are not mere dining accessories; they are a tactile exploration of data, a physical manifestation of statistics that often remain trapped behind the screens of our digital devices. Each plate represents one of the six regions of the world and is sized according to the difference between the average supply of kilocalories (kcal) of food per person per day and the minimum kcal requirement per person. Their final size reflects the surplus food available to people in each region, providing a visual and tangible commentary on the disparities and abundance in global food distribution. The donut charts break down the percentage of daily kcal intake derived from fats, animal and vegetable proteins, and carbohydrates. This tactile experience encourages a more intimate and reflective interaction with the data, fostering a deeper understanding of global nutrition issues.
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