Client: Ashoka Romania
Year: 2022
Five years after the first Changemakers Map, Ashoka Romania commissioned in 2022 a new research dedicated to local social entrepreneurship. The map stands as recognition towards all changemakers for their effort to achieve social impact and systemic changes for the good of all.
More than 700 social entrepreneurs who change Romania for the better have been mapped on Ashoka Changemaker Map of 2022.
The research was based on the snowball sampling. We’ve started from an initial number of 52 starting nodes – people recommended by ASHOKA Romania. 305 telephone interviews were carried out by IziData using a data collection platform developed by Studio Interrobang.
After gathering all data, we wanted to find an engaging way to present the changemakers, not just as simple nodes on a map but as unique individuals with specific roles in changing society for good. So we came up with the idea of creating a data avatar for each participant. We then developed a design system that turned each answer into a set of shapes of different sizes, colors, patterns and symbols to describe everyone who took part in the study through the number of recommendations made/ received, gender, activity field, type of organization they represent, geographic region and years of experience. This helped us not only add an attractive visual component to the interactive network analysis but also promote connections in an unexpected way. We’ve sent everybody a thank you email where we’ve included the custom avatar. By doing this we’ve acknowledged every individual contribution to the study while making it very easy to spread the news on social media.
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