2020 Romanian Video Games Consumer Study
Client: iZi Data | Romanian Game Developers Association Year: 2020 – Project website Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in
Client: iZi Data | Romanian Game Developers Association Year: 2020 – Project website Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in
Client: Confederrația Patronală Concordia Year: 2019 – Project website https://interrobang.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Workforce-Analysis-Concordia-2.mp4 Found this project inspiring? Working on a similar idea? Let’s get in touch and discuss
Client: Studio Interrobang Year: 2018 Back in the spring of 2018, we decided to make a test and see how well will a data-backed news
Client: Asociația MOJAR, Timișoara Year: 2018 96% of us own the apartments we live in, but do we really know where we live? Moreover, if
Greenpeace Illegal Logging Report 2017 Client: Greenpeace Romania Year: 2018 Every year, approximately 8.8 million cubic meters of wood is illegally cut from Romanian forests.
Client: Webeye Romania Year: 2018 WebEye is the leading telematics service provider in Central and Eastern Europe. For the 2018 WebEye technology report we were
Client: Corporate Landscapes Magazine Year: 2016 Clusters, technopoles, milieus of innovation, science parks, company towns, corporate campuses and all other silicon-“things” are based on one
Client: APET, Romania Year: 2017 For APET Romania we designed a set of infographics describing the benefits of food ticketing services for consumers, companies and
Client: Urboteca, Romania Year: 2014 Urboteca is a mobile pavilion designed to make information on urban development processes and strategies accessible for the inhabitants of
Client: Scena9, Romania Year: 2019 In 2018, Romania celebrated 100 years of existence as a nation. To mark this occasion, the central and local authorities
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